Saturday, September 4, 2010

Whole Wheat Rolls

Last week I made "100% Whole Wheat Sourdough Hearth Bread" from Peter Reinhart's Artisan Breads Every Day, page 88.  I already had some mother starter in my fridge so a few days ahead of time I took some of that and made a whole wheat starter from it.  This is one of those breads that takes about 36 hours from the time you make your final starter, and it's well worth it.  I made 2 small loaves which, while very tasty, spread in the oven rather than rising.  I also made a little less than a dozen rolls.  The rolls came out fantastic.  The density, the flavor and the texture were all great.  I used sugar in the recipe rather than honey, as hubby is allergic to honey and I did use the optional vegetable oil.  This recipe gives you the option of using yeast or adding 4 - 6 hours to the rising process (at 2 different points) so I went with the yeast.  36ish hours was plenty long enough for me since I also had to work, make roasted tomato sauce from scratch and handmade turkey meatballs (which were incredible by the way.)  In the end I was displeased with the loaves but very pleased with the rolls and I will be making them again, possibly for a large family gathering.


  1. All your bread talk made me go buy a bread book!

  2. 200 Fast and Easy Artisan's still on order though.

  3. I love making bread and playing with the dough but never tried to make a bread using a starter, i wouldn't have that much patience to wait few days till my bread is done

  4. Oh it's so worth it. AND, after the first time you can keep it in your fridge ... then you're only a day away from delicious sour dough!
