Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Delicious Blueberry Pie

After a long day of eating po-boys and visiting the Abita brewery we were all worn out and lazing about the house.  Mom announced "girls, come in here and make this pie."  I popped up off the couch and rushed into the kitchen.  Looking around I noticed I was the only girl.  Oh well, this pie is super easy and super yummy.  Open up your copy of Talk About Good and flip over to page 428.  WHAT?!  You don't have Talk About Good?  Well, that just won't do.  Rush out and buy a copy right now .... or just follow the links I provided.  Now then, back to the pie.  We used the two part, roll out, frozen type of pie crust.  I'd tell you what brand but honestly I just went with what mom handed me and didn't pay attention.

I, absent mindedly, forgot to mix the cinnamon into the dry ingredients so I just sprinkled it on top.  Once the butter melted and everything came together you couldn't tell I'd messed up.

The recipe didn't say to slit the top crust but it seemed like a good idea and since I tend to enjoy playing with my food I went ahead and did it.

And this is my beautifully baked "fresh blueberry pie."  I wanted to get you a picture of a slice so you could see the yumminess inside BUT it all got cut up and devoured so fast I didn't have a chance.  We ate it with vanilla Blue Bell ice cream and wished we had 2.

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