Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cream Puffs for all!

Once again this recipe is from 1001 Cupcakes, Cookies & Other Tempting Treats.  The recipes for the puffs themselves and for the cream filling seemed just right.  The chocolate brandy sauce was delicious after we added almost twice the chocolate called for.  Initially the sauce was very thin and runny.  Someone must have enjoyed the cream puffs because they and their sauce were abducted and taken to my sisters' grandparent's house were they were entirely devoured.

Baked and filled cream puffs.

Cream puff assembly line.


  1. That's crazy, I just made cream puffs today!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I don't really like the cream recipe I used though, yours looks much more delicious

  4. Hi Bees,

    This was:
    1 1/4 cups heavy cream
    3 Tbsp superfine sugar (regular sugar took a ride in the food processor)
    1 tsp vanilla extract

    .... whipped until my arms fell off.
