Saturday, July 17, 2010

bad bad me

I've been super mega busy so I took a little time away.  I now have stuff I've baked piling up waiting to be posted.  Well, not the food, just the pictures and maybe some stories.

Let's go with blondies today.  I made these for the hubby way back before I went to New Orleans.  Man, it feels like that's been ages ago.  I got this recipe from '1001 cupcakes, cookies & other tempting treats' edited by Susanna Tee.  I think I've mentioned before that this book is not available on Amazon, I found it at Half Price Books.  Many of the recipes in this book seem to need a little adjusting but it's a great idea book and starting point.

So, the blondies.  These have layers of cream cheese with chocolate chips swirled in.  It called for about 2/3 of a block of cream cheese.  If I make them again I'll use the whole block.  Straight out of the oven they were a little dry but the 2nd day they were much better.  I'd never lined a brownie or blondie pan with parchment paper but I can promise you that from now on I always will.  After they cool you just lift them out on the paper and you can get nice cuts.  No icky cuts or bad corners!  I LOVE IT!  Ok, here they come.

All swirled and ready to bake.

Baked and cooling.

Moist and almost gooey on the 2nd day.

These might also be good with butterscotch chips or caramel swirls.  Mmmmmm, caramel swirls!

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