"Strawberry Chocolate Slices" is number 642 of the
1001 Cupcakes, Cookies and Other Tempting Treats. These turned out to be an irresistible treat! I even managed to give myself a belly ache. The bottom layer is something like an oatmeal cookie and the top is similar but with almonds. In between these is a layer of strawberry jam and chocolate chips. The end result is a delicious, gooey cookie bar. Of course, we made a few changes but in this case they were minor.
Into the flour mixture we went with a full half cup of brown sugar instead of the "scant" half cup called for. My sister and I are brown sugar junkies and we feel no shame about it. This is the bottom layer after baking for 10 minutes.
The jam, chips and top layer (with almonds) all prepped and ready to be added.
The "heaping 1/2 cup" of chips didn't seem like enough so, after this picture was taken, we added some more. The mix of large and small chips was part fun and part availability.
The top layer applied and patted down with bits of chips and jam peeking through.
All baked and cut up. At 25 minutes they still weren't browned so we let them go for 30.
The recipe says to cut them into 16 bars but this seemed HUGE so we went with about 40. This yields a nice sized mountain of 2 bite treats. This is one I'll definitely make again. Blackberry jam might be nice next time. The next time I make this it will be to bring to a large group so I don't eat them all myself.
What kind of jam would you use?